Cat & Mouse

Performed at Cleveland Public Theatre’s Station Hope 2019.

Harriet Tubman meets Rosa Parks in Cat & Mouse at Station Hope 2019. Performed by members of Sacred Steps (Sharron Foxx, Barbara Barrett, Tory Coats) and Gordon Square Classical Concerts featuring Maria Flórez, Giuseppe Tejeiro, Virginia Ashley, and Galo Arboleda. Music composed by Ryan Charles Ramer. Presented by Cleveland Public Theatre.

Slaves traveling along the underground railroad were often tracked down and shot with muskets by local authorities. This is an early example of cruelty through police shootings targeting African Americans. This theater piece explores this modern-day American pandemic by tracing it back to its early roots of the underground railroad movement.

The first act depicts Harriet Tubman escaping her slave owner. The second act shows Rosa Parks defying the law. In the last act, Harriet meets Rosa. They are both surprised and cautious till they see that the more things change the more they stay the same. It ends by them sharing the same dance movements with uplifting music.
